SmartLender Limits Management

Home SmartLender Limits Management

SmartLender Limits Management System, is a comprehensive Limits and Exposure Management solution that helps the bank or the lending institution measure, analyse and control risks that might arise in the whole process of lending. Limits Management System has the capability to handle concentration risk management by the different hierarchies of risk dimensions, and the different levels of groups.

Centralized System for Limits Management, Checking and Booking

Centralized System for Limits Management, Checking and Booking

  • Ability for host systems to connect to for the purpose of checking and booking the Limits – Pre-deal booking.
  • Limits at counterparty and group levels with the ability to manually suspend limits at both levels.
  • Ability to send the status to any enquiry source system about the suspension of a Limit, to alert the enquirer that any further lending or trading with this limit ID will result in a limit breach.
Single View of Customer Limits (SVC)

Single View of Customer Limits (SVC)

  • Provides ability to handle large obligor/counterparty groups, with a consolidated view of all limits, with different views and drill down capabilities.
  • Intuitive web display allows search and view of counterparty groups, drill down to its constituent counterparty, viewed from a perspective of limits and further drill down to limit details. Further drill down possible with each limit mapped to a number of accounts.
Ready Interface to Core Banking:

Ready Interface to
Core Banking

  • External systems integration is one of a key feature of the SmartLender Limits Management.
  • Business logics are enabled for integration and built-in adapters and interfaces are provided for common integration points.

Business Benefits

Handling of Organization Structure Across Extensive Networks in Multiple

Provide Efficient and Streamlined Management of Limits & Exposures

One Stop for Complete & Consolidated Limits and Exposure Management

Flexible and Ability to Handle Complex Business Rules

Informed Decision Making

Digital, Intuitive and Portable